Gas log fires provide a warm, welcoming environment that is perfect for relaxing after a long day at work or spending time with family. They also rank as one of the most energy-efficient sources of heating, due to the fact that they use little fuel to generate heat. One of the key benefits of gas logs is that they produce very little smoke. This makes them ideal for people with health concerns such as asthma or allergies, children and pets who suffer from respiratory issues, or those who just want a peaceful night's sleep knowing there is minimal intrusion into their home atmosphere. Additionally, gas logs are often considered eco-friendly because they consume less wood than other types of fires do over the course of their lifetime. And lastly, if you're looking for an element that will add visual appeal to your home décor, then nothing beats Gas Logs!
A gas log fire is a type of open fire that uses natural gas as the primary fuel. The logs are placed on top of two central fires, and the heat from these fires is used to ignite the wood pellets in the logs. This type of fireplace provides a warm and cozy atmosphere indoors, while also reducing your reliance on fossil fuels.
While a hearth on gas log fire is beautiful and adds character to any room, it may not be necessary if you have an electric fireplace. Many modern-day fireplaces come with built-in heating elements that make them just as warm or even warmer than traditional fires. If you're unsure whether or not your fireplace requires a hearth, feel free to call one of our experts on (02) 9412 3933 for assistance!
Each fireplace will come with individual cleaning instructions. Be sure to follow the instructions for your fireplace.
Great Question! In a nutshell, yes. There are, however, a number of factors to consider, such as: - Your TV's distance from the fireplace. - A viewing height that is optimal. - Recesses, shelves, and setbacks (these can help to protect your TV and prevent heat going behind the TV) - Check your TV warranty to ensure you don't make a costly mistake. It is also important to take into account the specific make and model of the fire, as some spill heat up onto the wall while others don't. If you're unsure, feel free to call one of our experts on (02) 9412 3933 for assistance!
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